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Reguli Staff / Staff Rules


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Regulament Staff


  • Staff-ul este obligat sa cunoasca in proportie majoritatea comenzilor, membrii incepatori o sa fie instruiti de catre cei cu vechime sau de catre un rang mai mare. (Server Owner, Founder, Manager)
  • Staff-ul este obligat sa frecventeze forum-ul cat mai des pentru a ramane la curent cu noutatiile sau schimbariile facute de catre Server Owner.
  • Obligatoriu raspunderea cererilor de unban in termen de 48 de ore.
  • Obligatoriu raspunderea cererilor de Acces/Slot in termen de 48 de ore.
  • Cei ce detin un rang mare in Staff au responsabilitatea de a ii sprijinii pe cei noi veniti, chiar si pe cei care nu au foarte multa experienta, dar cu dorinta de a invata.

    ~ Ce sa facem si pe ce durata? ~

    >>> Cand un jucator face reclama cu alte servere, acestuia i se acorda ban pe o durata 3 zile.
    >>> Cand un jucator da reconnect la inceputul rundei pentru a juca inca odata aceeasi runda dupa ce a fost ucis de catre un inamic, se pedepseste cu ban pe durata de 3 zile.
    >>> Cand un jucator da retry in consola dupa ce acesta a fost sanctionat cu gag, i se acorda ban pe o durata de 3 zile.
    >>> Cand unui suspect codat i se fac poze, iar acesta iese de pe server, se acorda ban pe durata permanenta.
    >>> Cand un jucator refuza sau iese sa acorde o scanare WarGod, se acorda ban pe durata permanenta.
    >>> Daca un jucator foloseste un limbaj neadecvat se acorda prima data gag 3 minute, iar daca acesta continua cu acelasi limbaj, se acorda gag 5 min, prin urmare la a 3-a abatere sunteti nevoiti sa acordati ban pe durata de 12 ore.
    >>> Daca un jucator este AFK (Away From Keyboard), se acorda Slap de maxim 5 ori pentru a incerca sa fie revenit la joc, daca acesta nu revine, se acorda Slay, dupa care va fi mutat la Spectator daca acesta este inactiv o perioada destul de lunga.
    >>> Cand un jucator se urca pe harta, I se acorda Slap o data pentru a il face sa se dea jos, daca acesta continua se mai acorda 3 Slap-uri pentru a incerca sa il facem sa coboare, daca acesta refuza sa coboare, i se va acorda Slay, urmat de Ban pe durata de 2 ore daca acesta refuza.
    >>> Cand un jucator are un nume sub forma de reclama sau este unul vulgar, un Admin este obligat sa ii schimbe numele.


  • Harta se va schimba in ultimele 5 minute de joc, numai prin vot, urmand sa anuntam o ultima runda folosind "Y @ LAST" .
  • Membrii Staff ce folosesc comenzi pe alti membrii Staff, se pedepseste cu -1 sau chiar pierderea functiei.
  • Membrii Staff ce folosesc un limbaj neadecvat sau se cearta cu alti membrii din Staff pe chat-ul jocului, risca sa piarda functia.
  • Daca un membru Staff intampina probleme personale sau urmeaza o scurta perioada de inactivitatea, acesta este rugat sa instiinteze Server Owner-ul pentru a nu isi pierde functia.
  • Daca un membru Staff urneaza sa aiba o perioada de inactivitatea destul de indelungata, este ruga sa instiinteze Server Owner-ul, Founder-ul, Manager-ul, pentru a i se scoate functia, iar daca acesta revine pe viitor, I se va restaura functia precedenta.
  • Un membru Staff ce nu are un ban-list existent sau actualizat pe o perioada destul de lunga, risca -1 de la functie.
  • La reclamatii au voie sa raspunda decat Admin-ul reclamat si Server Owner-ul.
  • La cererile de unban au voie sa raspunda decat Admin-ul care a acordat ban-ul si Server Owner-ul.
  • Membrii Staff care nu pot ajunge la sedintele organizate de catre Server Owner, este obligat sa anunte ca o sa fie absent la sedinta.
  • Membrii Staff ce se urca pe harta, primesc avertisment urmat de -1 de la functie.

Acest regulament poate suferii modificari destul de frecvente, este sugerat sa fie accesat destul de frecvant pentru a ramane la curent cu schimbariile acestuia.


Staff Rules


  • The staff is obliged to know most of the commands, the beginner members will be trained by those with seniority or by a higher rank. (Server Owner, Founder, Manager)
  • The staff is obliged to attend the forum as often as possible in order to stay up to date with the news or changes made by the Server Owner.
  • It is mandatory to respond to unban requests within 48 hours.
  • It is mandatory to respond to Access/Slot requests within 48 hours.
  • Those who hold a high rank in the Staff have the responsibility to support the newcomers, even those who do not have much experience, but with a desire to learn.

    ~ What to do and for what duration? ~

    >>> When a player advertises with other servers, he is banned for a period of 3 days.
    >>> When a player reconnects at the beginning of the round to play the same round once again after being killed by an enemy, they are punished with a 3-day ban.
    >>> When a player retries the console after being sanctioned with a gag, he is banned for a period of 3 days.
    >>> When a coded suspect is photographed, and he leaves the server, a permanent ban is granted.
    >>> When a player refuses or goes out to grant a WarGod scan, a permanent ban is granted.
    >>> If a player uses an inappropriate language, a 3-minute gag is awarded first, and if he continues with the same language, a 5-minute gag is awarded, therefore at the 3rd offense you are forced to be banned for 12 hours.
    >>> If a player is AFK (Away From Keyboard), Slap is awarded a maximum of 5 times to try to return to the game, if he does not return, Slay is awarded, after which he will be moved to the Spectator if he is inactive for a long time.
    >>> When a player climbs the map, he is given Slap once to make him get off, if he continues 3 more Slaps are given to try to make him go down, if he refuses to go down, he will be given Slay, followed by Ban for 2 hours if he refuses.
    >>> When a player has a name in the form of an advertisement or is a vulgar one, an Admin is obliged to change its name.


  • The map will change in the last 5 minutes of the game, only by voting, and we will announce a final round using "Y @ LAST".
  • Staff members who use commands on other Staff members are punished with -1 or even loss of function.
  • Staff members who use inappropriate language or argue with other Staff members in the game chat risk losing their position.
  • If a Staff member encounters personal problems or follows a short period of inactivity, he/she is asked to notify the Server Owner so as not to lose his/her position.
  • If a Staff member is going to have a long enough period of inactivity, he is asked to notify the Server Owner, the Founder, the Manager, in order to remove his position, and if he returns in the future, his previous function will be restored.
  • A Staff member who does not have an existing or updated ban-list for a long enough period of time, risks -1 from the position.
  • Only the complained Admin and the Server Owner are allowed to respond to complaints.
  • Only the Admin who granted the ban and the Server Owner are allowed to respond to unban requests.
  • Staff members who cannot attend the meetings organized by the Server Owner are obliged to announce that they will be absent from the meeting.
  • Staff members who climb the map receive a warning followed by -1 from the position.

This regulation can undergo quite frequent changes, it is suggested that it be accessed frequently enough to stay up to date with its changes.

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