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[include] -> Nex-AC - Anticheat system


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Nex Anticheat (Nex-AC) - este o protecție cuprinzătoare care combină anticeatul puternic și protecție împotriva diverselor atacuri (flood, DoS).
Anticheat detectează înșelătorii populare pedepsind instantaneu codatii.
Anti-DoS combină anti-atacuri, anti-DoS personalizabile la nivelul rețelei și o mulțime de instrumente de protecție împotriva hack-urilor, crash etc.

- Lista de anti-cheat:

* Anti-AirBreak (onfoot/in vehicle)
* Anti-teleport hack (onfoot/into/in/between vehicles)
* Anti-teleport (pickups)
* Anti-FlyHack (onfoot/in vehicle)
* Anti-SpeedHack (onfoot/in vehicle)
* Anti-Health hack (onfoot/in vehicle) and armour hack
* Anti-Weapon hack and (add/infinite) ammo hack
* Anti-Special actions hack (including jetpack)
* Anti-GodMode from bullets (onfoot/in vehicle)
* Anti-Invisible hack
* Anti-Money hack
* Anti-Tuning hack
* Anti-lagcomp-spoof
* Anti-Parkour mod
* Anti-Quick turn
* Anti-Rapid fire
* Anti-FakeSpawn
* Anti-FakeKill
* Anti-Pro Aim
* Anti-CJ run
* Anti-CarShot
* Anti-CarJack
* Anti-UnFreeze
* Anti-AFK Ghost
* Anti-Reconnect
* Anti-High ping
* Anti-Fake NPC
* Anti-Dialog hack
* Protection from sandbox
* Protection from invalid version
* Protection from flood by seat changing
* Protection from connection flood in one slot
* Anti-Rcon hack (brute/brute-force)
* Anti-callback functions flood (complete list below)
* Anti-crashers (complete list below)
* Anti-NOPs (complete list below)
* Anti-DoS

Caracteristici suplimentare:
* Setarea antichatului din fișier
Setările sunt localizate într-un fișier separat (scriptfiles \ nex-ac_settings.cfg)
* Vizualizarea statisticilor
Posibilitatea de a vizualiza statisticile antichității pe toată perioada de lucru a serverului de la lansarea sa
Afișat automat când serverul se oprește. Stocat într-un jurnal de server (server_log.txt)
* Registrarea acțiunilor cele mai importante
Opțional, puteți activa modul de debug pentru înregistrarea tuturor acțiunilor
* Multilingvă
Posibilitatea de a seta oricare dintre limbile disponibile.
De asemenea, simplifică procesul de traducere a anticatului în alte limbi

Lista publicelor protejate de anti-inundații:
* OnDialogResponse
* OnEnterExitModShop
* OnPlayerClickMap
* OnPlayerClickPlayer
* OnPlayerClickTextDraw
* OnPlayerCommandText
* OnPlayerEnterVehicle
* OnPlayerExitVehicle
* OnPlayerPickUpPickup
* OnPlayerRequestClass
* OnPlayerSelectedMenuRow
* OnPlayerStateChange
* OnVehicleMod
* OnVehiclePaintjob
* OnVehicleRespray
* OnVehicleDeath
* OnPlayerText
* OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint
* OnPlayerLeaveCheckpoint
* OnPlayerRequestSpawn
* OnPlayerExitedMenu
* OnPlayerEnterRaceCheckpoint
* OnPlayerLeaveRaceCheckpoint
* OnPlayerClickPlayerTextDraw
* OnVehicleDamageStatusUpdate
* OnPlayerSelectObject

* SpawnPlayer
* SetPlayerPos
* SetVehiclePos
* SetPlayerAmmo
* SetPlayerHealth
* SetPlayerArmour
* SetVehicleHealth
* GivePlayerWeapon
* SetPlayerPosFindZ
* SetPlayerInterior
* PutPlayerInVehicle
* ResetPlayerWeapons
* SetPlayerArmedWeapon
* SetPlayerSpecialAction
* TogglePlayerSpectating
* RemovePlayerFromVehicle

* Invalid tuning
* Invalid vehicle seat
* Illegal characters in the dialogs (deleting)
* Invalid attached objects
* Weapon Crasher


This is the hidden content, please


  • office@l2p.ro
  • admin@l2p.ro

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